[IPython-dev] custom JS and IPython.notebook.kernel usage (svn example)
bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 10:23:25 EST 2012
Hi there !
You did already a pretty decent job !
we are starting to document javascript you can see what it looks like here :
And if you have more do cot add we'll be happy to take your pull request.
Le 5 déc. 2012 à 11:42, epi a écrit :
> Hi,
> i'm used to have my "c.NotebookManager.notebook_dir" under version control, for now SVN … i should switch to GIT
> i was playing with js in a custom.js file, in order to add some "buttons" to "COMMITT" change to a notebook into my repository
> (the plan was to add a custom toolbar to execute simple svn commands)
> an example to store the results of svn info in a dict can be like :
> IPython.toolbar.add_buttons_group([
> {
> 'label' : 'SVN Info',
> 'icon' : 'ui-icon-info',
> 'callback': function(){IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('svninfolist = !svn info'),
> IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('svninfo = {}'),
> IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('for i in svninfolist[:-1]: j=i.split(":") ; svninfo[j[0]]=j[1].strip()')
> }
> }
> ]);
> this give me a dict like :
> 2]:
> svninfo
> Out[2]:
> {'Last Changed Author': 'epifanio',
> 'Last Changed Date': '2012-11-20 15:30:34 -0500 (Tue, 20 Nov 2012)',
> 'Last Changed Rev': '7847',
> 'Node Kind': 'directory',
> 'Path': '.',
> 'Repository Root': 'https://myuser@myserver.org/svn',
> 'Repository UUID': 'e8c77636-c7aa-4457-b6c1-051e789c14f2',
> 'Revision': '7877',
> 'Schedule': 'normal',
> 'URL': 'https://myuser@myserver.org/svn/path/to/dir'
> '}
> while in order to "commit" changes, i was looking for something like :
> - detect the name for the "notebook" (filename.ipnb)
I'm not sure this can be easily accessible, but it could be a request for enhancement,
what you can do is :
To lowercasse, and space to _ then add ipynb.
> - clean all the output of the "notebook"
this can be done progrmatically on server side with a custom script on the ipynb file.
> - save the "notebook"
> - commit the saved file (here should prompt a js text input box where to add the commit notes, but i can live without it as a start)
it is doable, just a question of time to code it.
> IPython.toolbar.add_buttons_group([
> {
> 'label' : 'Save & Commit Notebook',
> 'icon' : 'ui-icon-circle-arrow-n',
> 'callback': function(){IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('detect the notebook name'),
> IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('clean notebook'),
> IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('save notebook'),
> IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('svn commit notebook')}
> }
> ]);
> i need an help to learn how to use "IPython.notebook.kernel.execute" from inside a JS code
> i was looking in `docs/examples/widgets/directview` but i got lost :(
So kernel.execute take callbacks, which get the data back, it's a little tricky.
let's do it for git :
'a=!git status',
{'execute_reply': function(data){console.log('data:',data)}},
( Note for later, to do this properly, it should be done with user_expression, but there is an issue, i don't now why)
will be called with the response as parameter,
here login the data to the js console.
Data will be an object with a few parameters ( i'll let you explore), the one that interests us is user_variable ( we requested 'a' above)
which itself as a 'a' key.
data.user_variables.a is the following strig :
"['# On branch master', '# Changes not staged for commit:', '# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)', '# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard….."
(using user_expression would prevnt polluting the kernel with the 'a' variable but it raises.
then you can do whatever you wish with the variable in the callback.
to strip notebook programatically ( in the gist at the end of the page)
> have you any hints on how can i use the ipython.notebook.kernel in order to :
> - print out some text in a new notebook cell
should be of help.
> - detect the name for the active notebook
> - clear all the output for the active notebook
> Thanks a lot for you help,
click on button -> callback a
callback a fetch info on the kernel trigger callback b on the response
callback b -> show a dialog to ask for commit message
click on ok trigger the correct information to be send on the kernel to commit.
Does it help ?
We probably want to do something like that in a more generic way embedded into IPython notebook.
We'll be happy to get your feedback on that !
> Massimo
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