[IPython-dev] Some Thoughts on Notebook Security

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 12:55:03 EST 2012

Another comment about the current Javascript repr implementation that
uses eval.  I have written a number of Javascript reprs that use this
older approach and it is a horrific experience - trying to debug code
passed to eval is almost impossible - all you know is that it fails,
you don't get any traceback to useful information.  The fact that very
few people have used this reinforces this data - it is just too hard
for users.  This was a major reason for my developing the JS plugin
idea - it is a *much* saner way of developing custom JS code that
doesn't have any of the security problems.



On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:
> OK trying to catch up with this thread...
> * Matthias brings up a great point that we need to consider
> forged/hostile notebooks that were not created with our notebook
> server.  The solution to this is to make sure that our notebook server
> can "clean" notebooks before displaying them.  The solutions that I
> posted above will address this completely and allow people to simply
> open notebooks from the web without worrying about them.
> * I still feel like I don't have a straight answer to my question:
> will the solutions I proposed solve all of the security problems while
> allowing us to serve authenticated notebooks on single domains?  If
> now, what security problems would remain?
> * I am confused about the multiple domain solution that is being
> proposed.  The idea is that notebooks containing arbitrary Javascript
> would be served from a separate domain that does not offer any
> authentication.  The authenticated notebooks would live on a second
> domain that doesn't allow Javascript.  But then how is a user supposed
> to author a notebook with Javascript and have that notebook not be
> anonymous?  What if a user wants to author a notebook with Javascript
> that needs to be private?  But my biggest complaint about this is that
> it completely cripples one of the most important features of the
> notebook - the possibility of sharing notebooks+kernels with other
> people.  These features are infinitely more important that allowing
> arbitrary Javascript in the notebook.
> * I don't see any fundamental different between "static notebooks" and
> "notebooks with kernels" - both can have Javascript and the new
> Javascript plugins will work on both.  Both have the same overall
> security issues and I don't think it makes sense to try and handle
> them separately.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER
> <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Le 11 déc. 2012 à 16:10, Carl Smith a écrit :
>>> Hi Brian
>>>> The idea is that the extra Javascript cool-stuff will be installed by
>>>> the person who runs the notebook server once and for all notebooks on
>>>> that server.  Similar to how python packages are installed = you do
>>>> this before you start python.  To get data from python to the
>>>> Javascript plugins we will use JSON objects and trigger the callbacks
>>>> to handle them.
>>> This seems to be dependent on a kernel, which static notebooks don't
>>> have? If I generate a static notebook, which is just a web page, then
>>> post that page to a hosting service, or email it to someone, how would
>>> the plugins work? Maybe we're looking at two slightly different
>>> scenarios. I'm focussed on static views only. The host should not have
>>> to allow anything more than posting and getting HTML documents.
>> IIRC, you can embed several repr in the ipynb file.
>> So you could provide a plugin that can "render" object on static view.
>> (like d3.js graph, you don't need the kernel to do that)
>>> ================
>>> Hi Matthias
>>>> Static notebooks, served from a different domain, could be rendered
>>>> inside iframes, enabling us to embed them inside other webpages and
>>>> applications. These notebooks would still be superficially served by
>>>> our own servers, so the UX wouldn't be effected.
>>>> keep in mind that iframe are not sandboxed, and you can inject js on parent
>>>> frame.
>>>> Unless you use the sandbox attributes, which is part of html5 but not
>>>> implemented in every
>>>> browser… And not yet infallible, it is more a "we'll help you embed other
>>>> pages by providing a separate
>>>> js namespace but we don't guaranty yes that the VM is unbreachable"
>>> I pretty sure iframes are sandboxed in the sense that a parent page
>>> and an iframe can not communicate unless they have the same origin,
>>> and this is an old feature. The new sandbox attribute in HTML5 is for
>>> a different purpose.
>> But this is still kind of a problem, as usually the static view will be served from the "same origin"
>> as the rest of the website.
>> If you don't want to make a notebook fully public, you have to have some kind of authentication
>> that allows you to load it.
>> I'm still doubt a little about what frames are supposed to do and what they actually do.
>> I'm not an expert on that, but it is still worth digging.
>>>> Responsible disclosure don't want to say much more but but having a
>>>> statically display
>>>> notebook is often link to having a "sharing/import" button which is
>>>> dangerous.
>>>> And could lead to self propagating notebook through account that can infect
>>>> other
>>>> notebooks, or share itself on twitter...
>>> Any buttons, like for importing a notebook, would live in the parent
>>> page and would have no access to, nor allow access from, the iframe.
>>> The parent page would know which static notebook it embeds in the
>>> iframe though, so it could provide buttons that connect to the actual
>>> notebook in question, which is a totally different file to the static
>>> notebook being rendered in the iframe anyway.
>> I understand what you want to do, I guess the definition of "static" is blurry.
>> If you want a perfectly static version (does it make sense in html) you can go with iframe.
>> If you want the ability to comment on a particular cell, then you have to build iframe for
>> every cell.
>> and you lose the ability to comment "inline" as github does.
>>>> Multi domain is a real good idea. I have a clear view in my head on how we
>>>> could use that in a way close to OAuth to allow javascript by still having
>>>> "logged-in" users.
>>>> It wouldn't be as seamless a something like github, but close.
>>> I think we're looking at things differently: You seem to be
>>> considering static views as something generated on the fly and on
>>> demand, nbviewer style. I'm thinking about running nbconvert on a
>>> notebook, then keeping the output as a webpage to be copied and passed
>>> around freely. Once the static notebook exists, it's a done deal.
>>> There's no chance of any changes to IPython breaking it. It's a
>>> independent webpage. Updating it would amount to deleting it and
>>> replacing it with a new version.
>> I don't think those are quite different.
>> You can have a "perfectly static" version that embeds bad js and require some kind of authentication to be seen.
>> The line between "on the fly" and static is thin.
>>>> The **big** question is:
>>>> Are viewer logged in (in any way) to the given server, and if so do they
>>>> have the right to do anything else with those credentials ?
>>>> If it is just a public notebook viewer, then it's fine.
>>>> If you want something more "interactive" (sharing/ permissions…etc, and the
>>>> display any JS ) you won't have much choice.
>>>> Or you will have a painful multi-login.
>>> I'm very much against hosting user submitted notebooks on any domain
>>> with cookie based authentication. It needs to be divided into 'trusted
>>> domain', where no user's JS will ever be served, and 'hosting domain'
>>> that has no account system of it's own. The trusted domain would
>>> control the hosting domain, as a kind of slave.
>> Yep, kind of what I have in mind.
>> The hosting domain can have "tokens"
>> Publish this comment on this notebook on the behalf of ...
>> The you have to "validate" those action on the "trusted domain".
>> --
>> Matthias
>>> That's just my take on all this.
>>> Cheers
>>> Carl
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> --
> Brian E. Granger
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com

Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com

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