[IPython-dev] Should I still contribute to IPython ?

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 10:38:42 EST 2012

On 17 December 2012 20:00, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:

> * How do we manage communication?  Verbal communication is much more
> efficient than emails or even IRC.  The 4 people at Berkeley will have
> an incredible advantage in being able to talk daily.  We don't want to
> cripple or remove that advantage, but we need to figure out how to
> include other core devs and people from the community.  This is
> particularly relevant to myself as I am the only person involved in
> the Sloan work that is not at Berkeley.

I think this issue - communication - is becoming key. I spent a day away
from my computer, and came back to >40 new e-mails in my IPython folder (in
addition to the 20 odd unread that I'm planning to get round to one day).
That's a mixture of our two mailing lists and the Github notification
messages. I get the feeling we're approaching a critical point, where it's
no longer possible for us as individuals to keep up with all the
discussions going on.

To my mind, we need to split things up. We already have an informal
separation of interests - for instance, I leave most of the discussion
about the notebook front-end to others, but get more involved with
IPython.core. I think we need to make this a bit (not too much) more
formal, so that no-one falls down the cracks as everything speeds up.

This could mean, e.g. more specialised mailing lists, or having a
consistent process for handling incoming issues.

Best wishes,
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