[IPython-dev] Should I still contribute to IPython ?

Nicholas Bollweg nick.bollweg at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 18:51:53 EST 2012

open question: where can automation help?

what is causing the bulk of time waste in doing community management to
really dig into what a particular issue or PR is trying to accomplish?
perhaps a cloud asset, along the lines of Travis-ci, that allowed single
click access to a running kernel, web notebook or other aspect of the

while GH is great, and is cited as one of the factors leading to
involvement blowing up, would a more workflow-enabled system like jira or
rt offer better triage? with the API, Github could still be an entry point
into the ecosystem.

too much success seems like a happy problem... I hope everything works out!
On Dec 18, 2012 10:39 AM, "Thomas Kluyver" <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 17 December 2012 20:00, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> * How do we manage communication?  Verbal communication is much more
>> efficient than emails or even IRC.  The 4 people at Berkeley will have
>> an incredible advantage in being able to talk daily.  We don't want to
>> cripple or remove that advantage, but we need to figure out how to
>> include other core devs and people from the community.  This is
>> particularly relevant to myself as I am the only person involved in
>> the Sloan work that is not at Berkeley.
> I think this issue - communication - is becoming key. I spent a day away
> from my computer, and came back to >40 new e-mails in my IPython folder (in
> addition to the 20 odd unread that I'm planning to get round to one day).
> That's a mixture of our two mailing lists and the Github notification
> messages. I get the feeling we're approaching a critical point, where it's
> no longer possible for us as individuals to keep up with all the
> discussions going on.
> To my mind, we need to split things up. We already have an informal
> separation of interests - for instance, I leave most of the discussion
> about the notebook front-end to others, but get more involved with
> IPython.core. I think we need to make this a bit (not too much) more
> formal, so that no-one falls down the cracks as everything speeds up.
> This could mean, e.g. more specialised mailing lists, or having a
> consistent process for handling incoming issues.
> Best wishes,
> Thomas
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