[IPython-dev] notebook questions an aesthetic details

Chris Kees cekees at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 13:57:28 EST 2012

On the ampersand problem: Firefox and Safari are the same. Also Safari
complains about not being able to access the web socket and says that I
won't be able to run code.

On the pulldown menu, I'm having trouble reproducing it right now. I know
that sometimes the problem is me in that I have to be more careful in
observing which cell is actually active when I use the menus. It's not a
big deal, but I'll be more careful to record my observations if I suspect
this is happening again.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Chris Kees <cekees at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks a lot.  I'm on the right tack now.  I updated about two hours ago
> > after I read Min's email so there a couple of quirks you might want to
> be on
> > the lookout for. For some reason when I'm inside a call to
> Latex(r"""...), I
> > can't type an ampersand. I can paste one in but the key won't respond. In
> That's really odd, I don't get that on Firefox or Chrome.  Can you
> refresh your Javascript cache just to make sure?  Just save your
> notebook, and then force a page reload.  Also, could you test on a
> different browser and let us know if you see any differences?
> > markdown or outside a string I can type an ampersand.   I also noticed
> that
> > sometimes the markdown/code/heading doesn't seem to switch  modes even
> > though the pulldown indicates it has. It could just be inaccurate
> pointing
> > and clicking on my part.
> Mmh, I do see a problem, not sure if it's the same you do:  If I
> select a new cell type from the 'Cell' menu, the cells do indeed
> change type, but the dropdown list in the icon toolbar isn't updating
> correctly anymore.  Is that the behavior you see?
> > Anyway, thanks again.  I feel like I'm beginning to get productive in the
> > notebook.
> Glad to hear that.  Some inevitable growing pains, but I think we're
> on the right track.
> Cheers,
> f
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