[IPython-dev] Follow the notebook development on Google+

Hans Meine hans_meine at gmx.net
Fri Jan 13 05:13:28 EST 2012

Am Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012, 19:33:14 schrieb Brian Granger:
> Following Fernando's example of posting about IPython related things
> on Google+, I have decided to post to my Google+ feed (+Brian Granger)
> about my work on the notebook.  I am working full time on the notebook
> these days, so I will try to keep my updates regular and include
> screen shots where relevant.  If you are interested in following
> notebook development and want something a little higher level than git
> commit logs, this is the place to go.

I respect your choice of tools, but I just want to note that a Google account 
is a no-go for me (enough tracking already, and I do not want to be personally 
identified when using their search engine for… basically everything).

In contrast to other blogging platforms, this makes it very hard / impossible 
to give feedback / comments.

Anyhow, thanks for both your work and your efforts to write about it. :-)


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