[IPython-dev] Let's get 0.13 released...

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 16:26:09 EDT 2012

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Julian Taylor
<jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com> wrote:
> This is great.
> I was fearing the current feature creep would delay 0.13 forever.

Certainly not!  It's really been an issue of manpower and time: the
'three monsters' we landed recently were extremely important, but they
took full-time commitment from Brian, Min and I to get done (JS
refactoring, full kernel merge, magics/cell).  And right after we
finished the work, we had to write a long and detailed report as this
work was done under a grant with the US Department of Defense.

And the *same day* the DoD report was due was the day that Microsoft
was announcing the new Azure platform with IPython.

So our plates have been just a little bit full ;)

But we understand that normal users get code from stable
distributions, not from last night's git master, so making a release
has always been in our minds.  It was just a matter of landing this
hugely important work first, so we'd have something really good to
push out to people.  Now I think we do.

> I'd still like the minified javascript situation cleaned up a bit.
> I'm ok with accepting the same state as 0.12.1, unminify the stuff that
> not in Debian which was only prettify.js last release. I'll remove the
> rest myself.
> Any new stuff that has been added since then?

Not to my knowledge.

> Does the notebook still need development snapshots of jquery & co or
> will it work with official releases (debian has 1.7.2, -ui 1.8.20)?

Honestly I'm not sure, others (Brian, Min, Matthias) might know better
the answer to that...

> Unfortunately unless you release really soon or the Debian release team
> delays the freeze (currently 15. July) 0.13 is going to be too late for
> Debian wheezy.

Well, I don't think July 15 is out of the question.  I'd like to cut
the beta tomorrow or Wednesday, with an RC soon thereafter.

The point is that we want to release *what's there now*, not start a
process of writing a bunch of new code :)



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