[IPython-dev] Let's get 0.13 released...

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 11 17:19:53 EDT 2012

On 06/11/2012 11:14 PM, Fernando Perez wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Julian Taylor
> <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> whoops
>> I meant 15. of June, so this week.
>> Though I heard rumors of a delay to end of June.
> Ah, that's a completely different story.  This week is most certainly
> NOT going to happen.
> We might even make the July 5 Ubuntu auto-sync date, but there's no
> way we're releasing this week, sorry.

the Ubuntu auto sync date is just a technicality, it does not prevent
new stuff from going into the archive
It only needs to be manually requested instead of being automatic (see
requestsync from the ubuntu-dev-tools package)

So there is no need to rush something out before that date.

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