[IPython-dev] Notebook filename badness

Carl Smith carl.input at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 08:12:17 EDT 2012


I've been discussing similar issues on a different thread. My
impression is that IPython has issues with file management in general,
not just files to do with projects, but the whole persistency
abstraction is getting messy. I don't expect to ever see the IPython
File Manager, and I can't see how it'd solve many of the problems
anyway, but it does seem worthwhile exploring the broader issue of
file systems, cloud storage, working directories, and so on, and
evaluating what can be done.

Just my two pennies.


On 27 June 2012 12:17, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 June 2012 02:10, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I am proposing would *improve* local use dramatically:
>> * Persistent URLs that you can bookmark and reload across sessions.
>> * No more worrying about accidentally renaming/uploading over an
>> existing notebook.
>> * A natural place for autosave files.
> But as a local application, I expect it to work with regular files in
> normal locations on my filesystem. Our intention was 'directory as
> project' - you can have your notebook files alongside data files and
> Python modules. Eventually, I'd like to be able to double click the
> ipynb files in my file manager to load them, rather than having to
> load up our 'notebook list' as a file manager.
> This approach has lots of advantages that I don't think we want to
> throw away. You can easily put a project in version control, or keep
> it in Dropbox or similar services. You can quickly grab the file and
> attach it to an email. You can easily back up the project folder.
> Notebooks tucked away in a separate folder and named by meaningless
> UUIDs would be much less convenient in many ways.
> Perhaps I can suggest an alternative approach: in 'local application'
> mode, we don't try to offer a notebook manager. It's never going to be
> as good as native file managers, and we're not really interested in
> reimplementing that functionality. If you want to copy notebooks,
> delete them, etc., you do it in your file manager (or terminal, if you
> prefer). It would still need to detect conflicts when you 'save as'
> from the notebook interface, but I'm sure we can make that work.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
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