[IPython-dev] GSOC 2012

Yogesh Agrawal yogeshiiith at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 02:13:23 EST 2012

Respected Sir,

I am very much interested in doing project in the development of emerging
I also participated in the FOSSEE workshop held at ISB Hyderabad, INDIA in
December 2010. In the workshop I tried to solve issues related to IPython
command line, but i could not make up due to lack of time.
I use IPython to solve my problem regularly, and I am familiar with it.
Sir, please provide me some opportunity to work upon some project involving
IPython through GSOC 2012

I am interested in doing project from the one mentioned in Potential
Project Page "Writing a history browser".
Please tell me how to proceed further.

Yogesh Agrawal
Computer Science Department, 3rd year
International Institute Of Information Technology - Hyderabad
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