[IPython-dev] ipython notebook installation instructions

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Thu May 31 13:33:38 EDT 2012

We have started tho think about things like that, but haven't quite
gotten there.  I think the main question I have is whether or not this
transformation should be applied by the frontends or the kernel.  The
problem with the kernel is that there could be multiple frontends
connected to the kernel and it would be very confusing for those users
to all of a sudden to switch modes.  Also, I don't like the idea of
having stateful magics like this.  We have tried that with the %autopx
magic is it tends to be very confusing.  I guess as I write, I am
leaning towards this being a frontend transformation.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-sage at creativetrax.com> wrote:
> On 5/31/12 12:24 PM, Brian Granger wrote:
>> Or you could do this as a cell magic...
> I'm curious: is there a way to set a default cell magic that is
> automatically applied to each and every cell?  I can imagine us having a
> %%sage cell magic, and it being nice to do:
> %set_default_cell_magic sage
> or something, and then from then on, it's practically like I'm running
> Sage.  Or R.  Or fricas.  Or whatever.
> Thanks,
> Jason
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Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com

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