[IPython-dev] Nice WebGL integration in the notebook at the IPython sprints at PyCon Canada (tried JSMol first)

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 17:22:17 EST 2012

Hi folks,

I know a number of people  have asked about 3d in the notebook.  We
had a team try to integrate JSMol (the JS version of the venerable
JMol) but they found too many bugs for that to be a viable path, and
instead focused on doing it directly with pure WebGL and the new JSON
management machinery.

Here's a quick demo:


they had to run and I don't have the github repo URL right now, will
get it soon and will post.  But it looked very nice!

I'll try to make a little blog post later on with a summary of what we
got done, there's been a ton of good work.



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