[IPython-dev] Just looking for feedback before PR

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 14:46:00 EST 2012

> Maybe we could explore adding a simple stylesheet to each new Notebook
> profile. When the profile is used, the Notebook could check for that
> stylesheet file. If the file is empty or absent, then no style is
> applied, else it'll use whatever's in the stylesheet.
> This means users with a few profiles and no incentive to edit the
> styles would have a few copies of the same file on disc, but these are
> small files and are not using any RAM. The benefits would be that
> there'd be no need for a new config option, just delete the file to
> disable the styles, the user would have a readily accessible file to
> hack at, the file serves as a template, which is handy for those of us
> who know very little CSS, and it allows profile based configuration.

let's call it is .profile_xxx/static/css/custom.css
let's do the same with js.
let's all go to scipy2012 and ask min to do it in 10min...
Tada ! (the template being the default css files)

BTW you can over rite any ipyton css/js files by creating a file with the same name in 

> This sounds like a good idea, but I've not actually used less to know
> how well it works. I'll look it up tonight.

less is basically css with variable and nested rules.
speaking of nested rules.

in cell.js and similar when selecting js does :
   this.element.addClass('ui-widget-content ui-corner-all');
(and unselecting removes it of course)

With less you can change that to :
->    this.element.addClass('cell-selected');

 and create a less rule :

import jquerytheme.css 

.codecell-selected {

It would further decouple Js and styling.

> Thanks again for your time Brian.
> Cheers
> Carl
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