[IPython-dev] improve http://nbviewer.ipython.org/
bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 12:41:10 EST 2012
Le 26 nov. 2012 à 16:11, W Gong a écrit :
> as a new user, I like to learn from examples or best practices:
> To support a similar request by another new user Dennis,
> can someone :
> 1) add "http://nbviewer.ipython.org/" to Help menu
> 2) make user submitted .ipynb visible at nbviewer.ipython.org
> Currently this website is like a blackhole, you know what you submitted by yourself, but you cannot see submission by others (except just 3 all the times)
> By the way, who owns and maintains nbviewer.ipython.org?
Nbviewer is hosted on heroku, all dev should have the ability to push,
Fernando (and Brian ?) own the python.org domain name,
I am the one mainly push ing the updates on heroku.
> Currently this website is like a blackhole, you know what you submitted by yourself, but you cannot see submission by others (except just 3 all the times)
I tried to put a top 10 notebooks, but the free postgressql plan was filled up in 2 weeks, so I had to disable it.
I'm working on having auto-screenshot on the notebook on nbviewer to make a mosaic of popular notebook.
> 2) make user submitted .ipynb visible at nbviewer.ipython.org
This would make sense once we have a "publish to nbviewer" button in the notebook.
But in the nbviewer way, it does not make sense, nbviewer does not retain anything , the field to past a URL is a pure convenience.
You could generate the nbviewer link even if the file is not on the internet yet. Nbviewer fetch and render the link "live" when you open it.
Actually that what the bookmarklet and chrome extension does.
As Thomas point out, the repo is on github, but it is not up to date.
The reason is that nbviewer ships with a modified version of nbconvert, which is a pain to maintain in parallel.
So as long as nbviewer does not integrate nbconvert as is, I would prefer it not to be hacked or modified and focus the effort on nbconvert.
We'll still welcome pull request, but it often mean manual backporting. And I really need more time to document how to deploy on heroku or other.
> Thanks,
> Wen
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 6:53 PM, sheila miguez <sheila at codersquid.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to ipython, and have some questions on how or whether one should configure options for osm commands.
> I had a conversation with Greg Wilson during pycon.ca sprints discussing worked examples. Somehow it turned in to a bit of ipython code that makes a backup copy of a file if it already exists so that new users don't clobber things when using %%file.
> I don't like changing an app's behavior on people like that, so I made backup only occur if a magic argument is passed to %%file. Greg rightly pointed out that people who are learning to program won't know to use that.
> I started looking through how config works. Perhaps OSMagics could become configurable, but if that was a good idea, someone would have done it already. Is it a highly inadvisable thing or just something that no one has needed yet?
> Another thing, I noticed that config has different profiles. Perhaps backup could be turned off by default, but there could exist a teaching profile that enables it.
> thanks
> --
> sheila
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> Thanks,
> - Wen
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