[IPython-dev] Call for participation to FOSDEM 2013 (Feb 2 - 3)

Nicolas Pettiaux nicolas at pettiaux.be
Sun Oct 28 18:03:50 EDT 2012

Dear all,

Fosdem is probably one of the largest free software developpers
conference. It will take place in 2013 on 2 and 3 February in
Brussels, Belgium, as it has for the last 10 years.

Another call for proposal had just been sent. There will be a python
devroom this year.  I think that the main track could also be really
adequate for talks about main python projects like ipython, sympy,
skimage and sklearn, numpy and scipy that have, as far as I have
noted, not been presented here at Fosdem yet (please correct me if I
am wrong)

I think that the leaders of these projects could find interesting to
come one more time (before EuroScipy 2013 at the end of August 2013
and possibly the World libre software meeting from 6 till 11 July
2013) to Brussels to speak before a very large and very diverse
audience (not limited to python enthusiasts)

For the main track, the selected speakers (talks are 50 min, rather
technical) have their travel costs covered.

The candidates have to register on the Fosdem website.

Hope to see you in Brussels (my city) one more time,


---- forwarded mail ---

Want to be part of FOSDEM 2013? Now is your chance!

- Want to be part of the main program?
Our *call for main track speakers* is just extended with a deadline on
December 1.

- Want to man a stand in the hallways?
The *call for stands* has just opened, deadline on 28 November

- Want to talk in a devroom?
The *devrooms* are announced and are sending out their respective call
for talks in the coming weeks. Watch this mailinglist and our
frontpage for the calls and deadlines

- Want to talk at FOSDEM, without fitting the main tracks or a devroom?
We also have *lightning talks*, short 15 minute talks. The call will
be opened in the coming week; expected deadline around mid December.

Looking forward to your proposals,
The FOSDEM staff

Nicolas Pettiaux, dr. sc - gsm : 0496 24 55 01 - wiki.rmll.be - wiki.wlsm.be
RMLL - rencontres mondiales du logiciel et de la culture libre à
Bruxelles, du 6 au 11 juillet 2013
Participer au projet qui a besoin de volontaires - rejoignez la liste
organisation sur http://lc.cx/Zia
WLSM - World libre software and culture meeting in Brussels, July 6 to 12, 2013
Take part to the projet that needs help - join the organisation
mailing list on http://lc.cx/Zia
Lepacte.be - « promouvoir les libertés numériques en Belgique » - hetpact.be

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