[IPython-dev] Moving all dev docs and IPEPs to github
Brian Granger
ellisonbg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 14:20:22 EDT 2012
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I propose that we transition all of our dev docs (those focused on
>> developing IPython itself) to the github IPython wiki.
> I think that's sensible, but only if we also move the existing wiki
> (we've talked about that in the past, with several people in favor,
> and Thomas graciously indicating that despite his time being the
> largest 'sunk cost' here he wouldn't object either). I don't mind the
> current wiki as much as others, but what I do *not* want is to have
> two wikis again.
In my mind, a user focused wiki and a dev focused wiki could be
maintained separately. I really want to keep all of our dev related
things on github as it makes our dev process much more discoverable.
But I do agree that having two wikis is a bit silly.
> So if we're going to activate the github wiki, then that should be our
> *only* wiki. That means we'll need to migrate both the current wiki
> and the current dev docs to it.
> I'm sort of +0.5 on the idea, and will happily go along if other devs
> feel it will really make things better for them.
I think that moving everything to github is the best way to have all
our dev related docs in one place rather than 3 or 4. I am definitely
+1 on the idea.
>> I also propose that we host all IPEPs at this same location for
>> everyone to edit and view in one place (rather than individual gists).
> Yes, my putting the first IPEP on a gist was just a quick experiment.
> At the time, I was thinking we could make a separate repo for IPEPS.
> But since the wiki *is* a repo, it would satisfy the criteria I had in
> mind at the time (easier access to all IPEPs in one place, easy
> updates for anyone who proposes one, ...).
Yes, I think we are closing in on a good approach for the IPEPs =
github wiki + ipython-dev
>> I also propose that we start to think about doing some more deliberate
>> planning for the project (like a roadmap) and that we keep that on the
>> wiki.
Yes, I agree we need something like a roadmap in addition to the IPEPs.
> Yes, this is something that we've been hinting and where we
> occasionally drop half-discussions on the list, but having a bit of
> organization is starting to be necessary. I don't believe in overly
> detailed roadmaps, because the nature of open source work is a highly
> organic, evolutionary process driven by a combination of individual
> interests and the PR review process acting as selective pressure. So
> I think there's little point in trying to 'dictate' via a roadmap what
> the project needs to be...
Yes, our roadmap needs to be informal, flexible, non-verbose and
dynamic. I would like something that people feel good about updating
often with small bits of information that is useful to all. I don't
want something that takes hours to update or is otherwise a burden to
us. I think that having most of our dev process managed by issues and
PRs works great and I don't want to mess with that. It is just a
little bit of the bigger picture stuff that we need a bit more
organization on. And honestly, the IPEPs will help with that as well.
> But where I think there's a lot of value, and that we have a genuine
> need, is in helping us all understand what the 'big ideas' are, what
> the main lines of work for the project are and if anyone in particular
> is already tackling one or not, so that people can coordinate a bit.
> So I think that this roadmap would mostly be in a sense a place to
> suggest directions for work that may need an IPEP, or where one or
> more people may want to coordinate efforts.
> With that loose definition of roadmap, I'm all for it and I think it
> will help us all work better...
Great, we just need to make the final decision on the wiki
consolidation and we can start to move content over.
> Cheers,
> f
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Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com
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