[IPython-dev] idea "native" ipython notebook

MinRK benjaminrk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 12:39:33 EDT 2013

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Jonathan Chambers <
jon.chambers3001 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  So here's the deal: I've been falling in love with the ipython browser
> notebook. But, it turns out, having it actually in the browser is kinda
> annoying - it makes launching a hassle, makes you have two sets of
> interface chrome (a pain on small laptop screens) and in general is not
> wholly as awesome as it could be.
> So I have an idea: build a "native" ipython notebook app by using an
> embedded browser. This technique has already been used to produce some
> really nice apps - Adobe Brackets (http://brackets.io/), Light Table (
> http://www.lighttable.com/), and TileMill (http://mapbox.com/tilemill).
> These all use pretty much the same Chromium-based native app wrapper, a
> HTML/JS UI, and Node.js to run some "server" style components.
> I believe it would be quite easy to drop the IPython notebook interface
> into such a container (possibly with a few modifications), optionally
> swapping the Node instance in the container with Tornado. Brackets in
> particular has some neat tools to add native menus and has the ability to
> develop the interface in html/js without modifying the native container -
> from what i've seen you could download brakets and modify the html to point
> to an existing notebook.
> There's still plenty of details to flesh out with this idea, but i was
> mostly wondering if this idea caught anyone's interest. I personally don't
> have time to work on this right now (too busy actually using iPython hah!)
> so i thought I'd just put it out there in case anyone else likes it enough
> to do something with it.

Marc Liyanage has built a standalone notebook app on OS X:

> Jon
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