[IPython-dev] prose, notebooks, and thrashing (and a re-direct to another list)

Nitin Borwankar nborwankar at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 13:30:25 EDT 2013

Hi Greg,

I've just released a very early beta of LearnDataScience (
http://nborwankar.github.io/LearnDataScience) and I had to struggle with a
subset of these issues.  I am not sure my experience is the relevant to you
but here's what I did.
The goal with my content is to teach developers data science so it's
possibly complementary to what you folks are doing.

My content for a topic was divided into three parts
a) Overview - an exposition of the theory in very understandable, simple
but technically accurate terms.  Often diagrams here were statically
rendered although I could have included code.  I chose to omit code where
it would be a distraction and included it in supporting libraries.
b) Exploration - here's where the student starts getting their hand dirty.
Data cleaning etc.
c) Analysis - here's where they produce results.  Run ML algorithms,
compute precision etc.

That's what I started with - 3 notebooks per algorithm.

But I felt the need for a separate worksheet notebook which was just all
the code segments without the verbiage so students could just get in there
and mess things up if they wanted and not be concerned they would mess up
their "textbook".

I did not have any presentation metaphor - currently it's all teach

Not sure if this was helpful,


P.S. To admins -  if user list is deprecated - where do usage questions go
- stackoverflow?
And what happens when users want to let the community know about
interesting notebooks?  dev list ?  Thanks.

Nitin Borwankar
nborwankar at gmail.com

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 8:13 AM, Greg Wilson <gvwilson at third-bit.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I posted the message below to the Software Carpentry discussion list a
> few minutes ago.  I'd appreciate input from the IPython Notebook
> community as well.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> p.s. if anyone has a good way to manage discussion that spans two
> independent mailing lists, I'm all ears... :-)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out how to satisfy four sets of needs for
> instructional material using IPython Notebooks in Software Carpentry. I
> feel like I'm thrashing, so I'd appreciate your help.
> My four use cases are:
> * instructor's guide: to help instructors prepare for a bootcamp
> * lecture notes: what instructors use during a bootcamp
> * workbook: what learners are given to use during a bootcamp
> * textbook: what learners use on their own outside a bootcamp
> To make this more concrete, have a look at
> http://swcarpentry.github.io/bc/lessons/guide-shell/tutorial.html, which
> describes how I teach the shell:
> *
> http://swcarpentry.github.io/bc/lessons/guide-shell/tutorial.html#s:shell:instructors
> is a high-level intro for instructors.  Learners might find it useful,
> but it's not really aimed at them.
> * Each topic opens with objectives (see
> http://swcarpentry.github.io/bc/lessons/guide-shell/tutorial.html#s:shell:filedir:objectives
> for an example).  This belongs in the instructor's guide ("Here's what
> you're supposed to teach"), possibly the lecture notes ("Hi class,
> here's what I'm about to teach"), probably not the workbook, and
> definitely the textbook.
> * Each topic ends with key points and challenge exercises: see
> http://swcarpentry.github.io/bc/lessons/guide-shell/tutorial.html#s:shell:filedir:keypoints
> ,
> and
> http://swcarpentry.github.io/bc/lessons/guide-shell/tutorial.html#s:shell:filedir:challenges
> for examples.  Again, both belong in the instructor's guide and the
> textbook; they probably belong in the lecture notes, and probably also
> in the workbook (as a starting point for learners' own notes, and so
> that they know what to work on during practicals).
> Problem #1: how do we manage material that ought to appear in multiple
> documents?  Right now, each snippet is a separate HTML file that is
> %include'd to assemble the entire document (see
> https://raw.github.com/swcarpentry/bc/gh-pages/lessons/guide-shell/tutorial.html
> ).
> That works OK for HTML pages, but not for notebooks: as far as I know,
> there's no way to %include file X in notebook Y.
> Problem #2: what exactly ought to be in the lecture notes?  For example,
> compare
> http://swcarpentry.github.io/bc/lessons/guide-pyblocks/tutorial.html#s:pyblocks:logic:lesson
> (the introduction to "if/else" in the incomplete instructor's guide to
> basic Python programming using IPythonBlocks) to
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/urls/raw.github.com/swcarpentry/bc/gh-pages/lessons/guide-pyblocks/pyblocks-logic.ipynb
> (an IPython Notebook with the same handful of examples).  The former is
> much too verbose to put in front of learners in a classroom setting.  I
> feel the latter is too sparse, but when I add point-form notes and then
> lecture over the result, it feels clumsy:
> * If the item I'm currently talking about is centered on the screen,
> learners can see my next points on screen below it.  This is distracting
> --- so distracting that tools like PowerPoint and other slideshow tools
> were invented in part to prevent it happening.  If the notebook
> supported progressive reveal of pre-made cells, that problem would lessen.
> * Even with that, though, one of the most compelling reasons to use the
> notebook as a lecture tool is lost.  Learners really like us typing code
> in as we teach: it slows us down, which makes it more likely that we'll
> walk through the code at a comprehensible pace, and it makes it a lot
> easier for us to extemporize in response to their questions or
> confusion.  We lose both benefits if we start using "reveal next",
> though we're still better off than if we use slides.
> Problem #3: what ought to be in the workbook (the notebook we give
> students as a starting point)?  Option A is "nothing": they should type
> things in as the lecture proceeds.  This forces them to learn hands-on
> (which is good), but greatly increases the risk that they'll fall behind:
> * They're more likely to mis-type something than the instructor, so
> their actual lines-per-second is (much) lower.
> * They want to take notes, which slows them down even further.
> Option B is to give learners a notebook with notes and code already in
> it, but that gets us back to them (a) being distracted by material they
> haven't seen yet, but which is already on their screen, and (b) not
> having to be hands-on while learning.  On the other hand, these are
> grownups, and there's only so much we can do with existing tools.
> So here's what I think I've come to:
> 1. For now, we create two documents: an instructor's guide that doubles
> as a textbook (no harm in learners reading notes for instructors, and
> possibly some benefit), and a notebook that interleaves point-form notes
> with code examples that instructors will use for lecturing, and learners
> will be given as a starting point.
> 2. We build a tool to extract point-form notes from an IPython Notebook
> to create the "objectives.html" and "keypoints.html" sections that are
> %include'd in #1 above.  This will help keep the notebook and the guide
> in step; whoever changes the notebook will still have to read the
> section of the guide to make sure, but it's a step.
> 3. The code cells in our notebooks have markers for the instructors and
> the learners to fill in.  For example, instead of giving people:
>      for char in "GATTACA":
>          if char == "A":
>              print "found an A"
> we have:
>      for ________ in "GATTACA":
>          if ________:
>              print "found an A"
> Filling in the ________'s in the code snippets forces the instructor and
> the learners to do some typing. As a bonus, if chosen judiciously they
> will also encourage both to focus on the key features of the example.
> But there are problems.  (You knew there would be...)
> * (medium-sized) In order to extract stuff from notebooks for use
> elsewhere, we need a way to tag the cells that contain objectives, notes
> for the key point summary, etc., so that our tool can find and
> differentiate them.  I *think* this can be done via a plugin: the
> notebook has an extensible metadata field per cell, which we've already
> exploited for another tool, so adding something that allows "right click
> and select tag" should be straightforward. It would be nice if this info
> was available as a class on the HTML element containing the material, so
> that it could be styled via CSS, but that's a bonus.
> * (large) Literal ________'s in our code will make it invalid, so our
> notebooks either won't have any output (because we didn't execute the
> code) or will be littered with error messages (because we did).  The
> former's not bad, but if we do that, we need two version of each
> notebook: one with the blanks, and one with them filled in.  As always,
> keeping variants of a single document in sync will be a pain.
> If the code in cells was stored as HTML, we could put something like
> <span class="fillin">char == "A"</span> in the code, then use Javascript
> to display ________, erase it when the learner started typing, or fill
> it in with the right answer when the learner just wanted to catch up or
> see the answer. Problem is, the code *isn't* stored as HTML; it's stored
> as JSON that looks like this:
>      {
>       "cell_type": "code",
>       "collapsed": false,
>       "input": [
>        "import math\n",
>        "print \"pi is\", math.pi\n",
>        "print \"square root of 5 is\", math.sqrt(5)"
>       ],
>       "language": "python",
>       "metadata": {},
>       "outputs": [
>        {
>         "output_type": "stream",
>         "stream": "stdout",
>         "text": [
>          "pi is 3.14159265359\n",
>          "square root of 5 is 2.2360679775\n"
>         ]
>        }
>       ],
>       "prompt_number": 1
>      }
> We could use character offsets to identify subsections of the code, then
> intercept rendering to insert span elements, but that way lies madness...
> So as I said at the outset, I feel like I'm thrashing here, and would
> welcome suggestions on how to proceed.
> Thanks,
> Greg
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