[IPython-dev] xkcd plots on Matplotlib gallery ??

Matt Davis jiffyclub at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 13:59:23 EDT 2013

You may have accidentally stumbled onto http://matplotlib.org/xkcd/gallery.html.

- Matt

On Aug 7, 2013, at 10:54 AM, Nitin Borwankar <nborwankar at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was about to show some enterprise folks at an F100 company how IPy NB is awesome for data science visualization - I went to matplotlib gallery and saw to my horror that *all* gallery examples have been replaced with xkcd plot styling.
> Or... was the site hacked?   That was another thought.
> This makes it pretty much impossible to show to exactly those constituencies that will make IPy NB massively mainstream dues to its agile visualization power in data science. Well its possible to show it - but there goes the chance of being taken seriously as it is quite cartoonish.  I enjoy it but does it have to be the default styling - it really detracts from the clean visualization that matplotlib brings.
> On the other hand, if it was hacked - apologies and sympathies.
> Nitin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nitin Borwankar 
> nborwankar at gmail.com
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