[IPython-dev] IPython Notebook for mobile web clients ?

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 17:36:35 EST 2013

We have mobile plans, but are just not there yet....

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Roberto Colistete Jr. <
roberto.colistete at gmail.com> wrote:

>      Citing the link below :
> http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1320465&postcount=19
> We see that Android Chrome web browser works very well as IPython Notebook
> web client, and possibly some iOS web browsers also work ok. Other mobile
> OS, like mobile Linux Maemo 5 and MeeGo Harmattan, also have good web
> browsers for IPython Notebook use.
>     Summing up all the current devices (smartphones, tablets, Mini-PC's,
> etc) with Android, iOS, Maemo/MeeGo, etc, we have some hundreds millions of
> potential web clients for IPython Notebook. It is estimated 2013 will have
> more tablets sold than notebooks, while we already have more smartphones
> every year than PC's (desktops + notebooks).
>     These mobile devices for web clients, some of them in very cheap
> hardware, can be ideal to schools, universities, at home, etc, where
> servers with IPython Notebook can also use cheap devices (see email below).
>     My suggestion is to take into account this huge number of devices
> which can be web clients of IPython Notebooks. So the User Interface (UI)
> should have the option to be more mobile friendly, e.g. :
> - font and window sizes to better fit mobile screens, e.g, with typical
> 800-1024 pixels for width, maybe an option "--mobile" could be added to
> "ipython notebook";
> - have more options to edit a non-code cell, because double tap doesn't
> edit it in touch devices due to being filtered by touch web browsers to
> zoom in/out. For example, add an "Edit" item in "Edit" or "Cell" menu, as
> well as an "Edit" icon in the toolbar;
> - put the "Keyboard shortcuts" window on the left or easier to move,
> because in touch devices is impossible or hard to move it.
> -------- Mensagem original --------  Assunto: IPython 0.13.1 Notebook
> server on smartphone  Data: Sun, 03 Feb 2013 18:11:45 -0200  De: Roberto
> Colistete Jr. <Roberto.Colistete at gmail.com> <Roberto.Colistete at gmail.com>  Para:
> IPython developers list <ipython-dev at scipy.org> <ipython-dev at scipy.org>
> Here my post about a smartphone Nokia N9 as IPython Notebook server :
> http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1320465&postcount=19
> My tests included :
> - 4 web clients at once, 2 notebooks, 1 Android tablet and 1 Nokia N900
> smartphone, see :
> http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1320501&postcount=6
> - many types of mobile web browsers on Android, Maemo 4&5 and Symbian,
> besides PC's.
> So AFAIK, currently we can run IPython Notebook server on :
> - PC's with Linux, Mac OS, Windows;
> - mini-PC's running Linux (costing from US$30-40);
> - smartphone Nokia N9 with MeeGo Harmattan OS;
> - Android tablet Aakash, it costs US$35 :
> http://scipy.in/static/files/slides/python-on-aakash.pdf
> - Linux chroot on tablets/smartphones with Maemo/MeeGo, rooted Android
> devices, etc.
> -------- Mensagem original --------  Assunto: IPython 0.13.1 with
> Notebook and Qt console working on smartphone  Data: Fri, 01 Feb 2013
> 01:55:20 -0200  De: Roberto Colistete Jr. <Roberto.Colistete at gmail.com><Roberto.Colistete at gmail.com>  Para:
> IPython developers list <ipython-dev at scipy.org> <ipython-dev at scipy.org>
> I have also tested my Nokia N9 running IPython Notebook server and web
> clients on many devices : PC's, Android tablets, Maemo 5/Nokia N900
> smartphone, etc. It works very well. As Nokia N9 has WiFi hotspot, we can
> have a full IPython 0.13.1 in your pocket, accessible to any
> computer/tablet/smartphone without IPython but with good web browser (with
> websockets and MathJax support).
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Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com
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