[IPython-dev] SciPy 2013 Announcement -- June 24 - 29, 2013, Austin, TX!
Anthony Scopatz
scopatz at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 12:43:17 EST 2013
Hello All,
As this years conference communications co-chair, it is my extreme pleasure
to announce the *SciPy 2013 conference from June 24th - 29th in sunny
Austin, Texas, USA.* Please see our
website<http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2013/about.php>(or below) for
more details.
A call for presentations, tutorials, and papers will be coming out very
soon. Please make sure to sign up on our mailing list<http://eepurl.com/dyoeL>,
follow us on twitter <https://twitter.com/SciPy2013>, or Google
Plus<https://plus.google.com/u/0/100948873231627513165/posts> so
that you don't miss out on any important updates. I sincerely hope that you
can attend this year and make 2013 the best year for SciPy yet!
Happy Hacking!
Anthony Scopatz
SciPy 2013 Conference Announcement
SciPy 2013, the twelfth annual Scientific Computing with Python conference,
be held this June 24th-29th in Austin, Texas. SciPy is a community
dedicated to
the advancement of scientific computing through open source Python software
mathematics, science, and engineering. The annual SciPy Conference allows
participants from academic, commercial, and governmental organizations to
their latest projects, learn from skilled users and developers, and
collaborate on
code development.
The conference consists of two days of tutorials by followed by two days of
presentations, and concludes with two days of developer sprints on projects
interest to the attendees.
Specialized Tracks
This year we are happy to announce two specialized tracks run in parallel to
the general conference:
*Machine Learning*
In recent years, Python's machine learning libraries rapidly matured with a
flurry of new libraries and cutting-edge algorithm implement and development
occurring within Python. As Python makes these algorithms more accessible,
machine learning algorithm application has spread across disciplines.
your favorite machine learning library or how it has been used as an
tool in your work!
*Reproducible Science*
Over recent years, the Open Science movement has stoked a renewed
of the importance of reproducible research. The goals of this movement
improving the dissemination of progress, prevent fraud through
transparency, and
enable deeper/wider development and collaboration. This track is to
discuss the tools
and methods used to achieve reproducible scientific computing.
Domain-specific Mini-symposia
Introduced in 2012, mini-symposia are held to discuss scientific
computing applied to a specific scientific domain/industry during a
half afternoon after the general conference. Their goal is to promote
industry specific libraries and tools, and gather people with similar
interests for discussions.
Mini-symposia on the following topics will take place this year:
- Meteorology, climatology, and atmospheric and oceanic science
- Astronomy and astrophysics
- Medical imaging
- Bio-informatics
Multiple interactive half-day tutorials will be taught by community experts.
The tutorials provide conceptual and practical coverage of tools that have
broad interest at both an introductory or advanced level. This year, a
third track will be added, targeting specifically programmers with no
prior knowledge of scientific python.
Developer Sprints
A hackathon environment is setup for attendees to work on the core SciPy
packages or their own personal projects. The conference is an opportunity
developers that are usually physically separated to come together and
engage in
highly productive sessions. It is also an occasion for new community
members to introduce themselves and recieve tips from community
experts. This year, some of the sprints will be scheduled and
announced ahead of the conference.
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Sessions
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are self-organized discussions that run
parallel to
the main conference. The BOFs sessions cover primary, tangential, or
topics in an interactive, discussion setting. This year, some of the
BOF sessions will be scheduled and announced ahead of the conference.
Important Dates
- March 18th: Presentation abstracts, poster, tutorial submission
deadline. Application for sponsorship deadline.
- April 15th: Speakers selected
- April 22nd: Sponsorship acceptance deadline
- May 1st: Speaker schedule announced
- May 5th: Paper submission deadline
- May 6th: Early-bird registration ends
- June 24th-29th: 2 days of tutorials, 2 days of conference, 2 days of
We look forward to a very exciting conference and hope to see you all at
the conference.
The SciPy2013 organization team:
* Andy Terrel, Co-chair
* Jonathan Rocher, Co-chair
* Katy Huff, Program Committee co-chair
* Matt McCormick, Program Committee co-chair
* Dharhas Pothina, Tutorial co-chair
* Francesc Alted, Tutorial co-chair
* Corran Webster, Sprint co-chair
* Peter Wang, Sprint co-chair
* Matthew Turk, BoF co-chair
* Jarrod Millman, Proceeding co-chair
* Stéfan van der Walt, Proceeding co-chair
* Anthony Scopatz, Communications co-chair
* Majken Tranby, Communications co-chair
* Jeff Daily, Financial Aid co-chair
* John Wiggins, Financial Aid co-chair
* Leah Jones, Operations chair
* Brett Murphy, Sponsor chair
* Bill Cowan, Financial chair
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