[IPython-dev] D3js and IPython

Min RK benjaminrk at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 13:32:27 EST 2013

On Jan 9, 2013, at 9:13, Matthias BUSSONNIER <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 9 janv. 2013 à 12:57, lecast a écrit :
>> I had a look at jsplugins and indeed it makes sense to use that in my context, although I would still keep my class for rendering static things or things that use css for interactivity.
>> However, the way I understand is that js in unwanted in the saved output because it may communicate with the kernel, and that in turn can do whatever.
>> Wouldn't escaping just such calls be an option too?
> I'm not sure I understand the question here. 
> Removing js evaluation and injection of script tag through IPython is not enough as one can actually forge
> a file that have embedded js. So we need to be carefull
>> For the jsplugins to work I think there should be an install function within IPython where you point at some url that hosts the plugin.
>> And, there should be an easy way to extend plugins from within IPython so that the user doesn't have to have file system access to add a script.
> Yes, sure. Plugin will probably be mostly js that can be served from urls. So that shouldn't be too hard. 
> But I'm not sure user can have IPython access without filesystem access. I don't really see the point of 
> an online computing software if you can't store data or save your notebook... 

You forget that notebook / kernel access and *server* filesystem access are not going to be the same thing for long.  For multiuser, it is a safe assumption that n-1 users will *not* have access to installing js plugins (not to mention the fact that current design requires nb server restart, which users also do not have permissions to do).

>> Also, the base of the code for my papers-style notebooks that extracts footnotes is at http://nbviewer.ipython.org/4492534/
> Great ! I'll have a look. 
> -- 
> Matthias
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