[IPython-dev] Feature and scope creep in IPython

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 11:10:08 EST 2013

On 14 January 2013 15:53, Nicholas Bollweg <nick.bollweg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is the result (with the earliest bits of IPython's meta loaded)...
> https://fra.gl/?/config/ipython
> a lot remains to be done, but i think i can answer the latter two, I still
> need to do some thinking about the former: you do have to log in to github
> over oauth, and then configure the columns on the tables to start seeing
> what i'm talking about. working on better doc/screencast!

Sorry, I'm lost here. I see a small image that appears to be the cover page
of an example notebook rendered in reveal.js, and a set of buttons across
the bottom that don't do anything. The page you describe as 'metameta'
doesn't really make anything clearer.

Can you give us some idea of what fra.gl is supposed to be?

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