[IPython-dev] Github - IPy Notebook button

Puneeth Chaganti punchagan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 14:42:34 EDT 2013

Hi Bartosz,

Thanks for trying my script out.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Bartosz <mail at telenczuk.pl> wrote:
> Hi Puneeth,
> Indeed, it is similar to my userscript. However, I prefer to render the
> notebook on a separate page - leaves more space for graphs.

I have a pretty wide screen, and I find my approach quite convenient.
To each, his own, I guess. :-)

> One additional points - your script is triggered only on reload (at
> least in my case). It means that when you choose a file from GH file
> browser, it won't be automatically render. The problem is that the
> clicking triggers an AJAX request. The workaround is to trigger on a DOM
> change event as implemented in my script.

Thanks for pointing this out!  I hadn't run into this use case.  I now
fixed the script, but I could get away with a relatively "careless"
approach compared to yours.

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