[IPython-dev] Hierarchical notebook listing

Nitin Borwankar nborwankar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 22:00:19 EST 2013

Hi Brian,

[[ good chatting at Strata yesterday BTW ]]

Pl. see other email which suggests just starting with resolvable HTTP URI
as "accesspath".

I hope this has not already been discussed and discarded - if so I will
return from self-imposed embarrassment-exile, eventually.

Some of the questions we need to think about:

* What does the web service look like to move around and query directories.

To a first approximation it looks like a web server with REST primitives
that include PUT and DELETE as well as GET, POST.

* Do we map directory paths onto notebook URLS?  If so, how?
( we use a file:// scheme, for local paths and an http(s):// scheme for
remote paths with a doc root defined at the target host. )

* How do we build a UI/UX that is extremely simple, but functional
enough to get the job done.

My weak attempt at this: - We don't build a general UI as permissions to
remote stores may make matters complicated. Locally we delegate to the file
browser, remotely we follow what looks like a directory listing when you
browse say an Apache Webserver's directory that has read permissions.  this
is not how we implement it but it is a starting point for how it might look.

* How do we want to abstract these things for different notebook backend

IMHO resolvable HTTP URI takes us most of the way - insist on a REST API
for remote backends else you'll be navigating multiple levels of adapter
abstraction hell.

* How do notebook directories get mapped to kernel cwds?

define an "IPyNB root" just like an HTTP document root "/" in a webserver.

define it separately on the client, separately on the server/kernel machine.

The HTTP URI is with respect to the root of whatever the HTTP target is.
This also avoids exposing the actual dir structure and allows transparent
changes of implementation, host machine, host OS ...

*BEST* would be to define a standard REST interface for storage backends in
a separate doc.



Nitin Borwankar
nborwankar at gmail.com

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Some of the questions we need to think about:
> * What does the web service look like to move around and query directories.
> * Do we map directory paths onto notebook URLS?  If so, how?
> * How do we build a UI/UX that is extremely simple, but functional
> enough to get the job done.
> * How do we want to abstract these things for different notebook backend
> stores?
> * How do notebook directories get mapped to kernel cwds?
> Cheers,
> Brian
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Robert Young <rob at roryoung.co.uk> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This email is intended to start a conversation around hierarchical
> notebook
> > listings. I submitted a pull request [1] and it was pointed out that
> > supporting directories deserves some thought and discussion.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> > [1] https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/2977
> >
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> --
> Brian E. Granger
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com
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