[IPython-dev] Using ipython as shell replacement

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 08:16:38 EDT 2013

Le 11 mars 2013 à 12:29, Niklas Semmler a écrit :

> Hi there,
> just a few days ago I chose to try out ipython as a shell replacement.
> How can I manipulate the path variable of the underlying bash?
> does work:
> !/usr/local/bin/tmux
> does not:
> tmux
> NameError: name 'tmux' is not defined
> The old doc says it should work with
> %env PATH+=;/foo
> but that only prints a table of the environment variables. It does not change the PATH variable.
> (source http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/interactive/shell.html)

The page you link seem to have 2 warning at the top : 

This page does not describe the current state of IPython!
As of IPython 0.11, most of the APIs used by the shell profile have been changed, so it currently does very little beyond changing the IPython prompt. To help restore the shell profile to past functionality described here, the old code is found in IPython/deathrow, which needs to be updated to use the APIs in 0.11.

So my guess is that this does not work anymore on IPython > 0.11 and you alway have to precede non-aliased command with a `!` 

> Best,
> Niklas
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