[IPython-dev] documenting API changes

Damián Avila damianavila at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 21:12:40 EDT 2013

El 25/03/13 21:42, Paul Ivanov escribió:
> Hey gang,
> I just came across a change that to the kernel manager that
> affected vim-ipython, where km.sub_channel was renamed to
> km.iopub_channel
> This is a gentle reminder in the guise of a question: is
> docs/source/whatsnew/development.txt still the right place to
> document such changes? ;)
> best,

There is the same problem with the examples in 

I have played with some examples and I had to hack them to make it work 
(I will add them to this page soon).

IPython is big, at least for me... so I think we need a more "exposed" 
place to document these changes... or actually use development.txt and 
update it accordingly (last update 1 month ago ;-)).


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