[IPython-dev] IPython mini-book is out!

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Mon May 6 17:05:53 EDT 2013

Hi all,

you may have already noticed it on the site, but it's worth making
official mention of this; the first book that's directly focused on
IPython is now out: "Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and
Data Visualization", by Cyrille Rossant:


The publisher page is here:


And amongst other cool things, it's accompanied by a github repo that
contains all examples in the book (scripts and notebooks):


Our own Matthias Bussonnier was one of the technical reviewers for the
book, which I've also had a chance to see in pre-print form. My first
impressions are that it's a great hands-on introduction to using
IPython effectively along with the 'scipy stack', in a condensed
format.  The whole book is ~ 120 pages of actual text (plus tables and
index), so it's a quick read meant to get you off the ground quickly
and effectively.

I am obviously thrilled to see this happen, and I hope it will be very
useful to the community at large.

I'd also like to thank Packt publishing, who have sent courtesy copies
of the book to the entire core development team and will donate a
portion of the royalties to support IPython development, as part of
their policy of supporting all open-source projects for which they
publish books (http://www.packtpub.com/open-source).



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