[IPython-dev] _repr_javascript_ code samples for D3
Stefan Krastanov
krastanov.stefan at gmail.com
Tue May 14 10:08:56 EDT 2013
Thanks for explaining your plans to me. If D3 representation becomes
as simple as _repr_json_ in vega format it would be absolutely
On 14 May 2013 15:54, Matthias BUSSONNIER <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi stephan,
> Right now we are focusing on polishing IPython for the 1.0 around mid July,
> we plan on having meeting after to start discussing interactivity and
> dynamic
> graph (For example d3js) after that. There are some prototype and hack
> around,
> but none of them completely satisfy us.
> So right now, there are no "right way" to do it. I don't want to promise you
> too much,
> nor go too much into detail about something that would change, but we will
> probably define
> a way to tell o the notebook interface,
> "here are some javascrit plugin that know how to represent data"
> then on your object you would probably define a _json_repr_ that say
> "I hold the data of such type"
> And the js plugin will then be given the data and the container in which to
> do it's stuff.
> tricky part is that some plugin might want to have interaction with kernel,
> and that you also need to store
> the data for later convert ion (by nbviewer for example).
> In my vision of things, we could inspire on vega[1],
> and I already have some idea to integrate it with nbviewer to also have some
> dynamic representation with it.
> As for you problem, if you are on dev, you could simplify things by using
> custom.js
> and using a $.getScript(''http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js") in it, that will
> inject d3 library on all your notebooks,
> it will help.
> You can have a look at https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/2518 if you
> want some more place to start to
> know what where the issues with fist prototyping.
> [1] http://trifacta.github.io/vega/
> --
> Matthias
> Le 14 mai 2013 à 15:36, Stefan Krastanov a écrit :
> I was able to hack together something that uses `publish_html` and
> `publish_javascript` in order to create a D3 graphic from within the
> ipython notebook:
> Prepare a container:
> publish_html("""
> <div id="sympy_d3_plot_%d"></div
> """%_ipython_div_counter)
> Load the library
> publish_javascript("""
> var script = document.createElement("script");
> script.src = "http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js";
> document.body.appendChild(script);
> """)
> And after that another `publish_javascript` for doing the D3.js specific
> stuff.
> However I do not believe this is the correct way to create objects
> that visualize nicely in IPython. Is there a guide how to do this The
> Right Way(TM)?
> On 8 May 2013 11:02, Stefan Krastanov <krastanov.stefan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have seen a nice visualization of networkx graph through d3.js in
> the notebook. I want to use D3 to visualize some other objects. I
> guess I should use `_repr_javascript_` but I do not know how the
> scoping of javascript libraries works, how much is sandboxed by the
> notebook, where to include the library, etc. I was hoping that you can
> point me to a code sample that does it The Right Way(TM).
> A quick code search on github did not return anything useful.
> Regards
> Stefan
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