[IPython-dev] what goes wrong with %%file
Brian Granger
ellisonbg at gmail.com
Tue May 14 15:35:32 EDT 2013
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:27 AM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 12:23 AM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I still favor %%file and adding the prompt to overwrite.
>> We have clear evidence of repeated user confusion with this, and it's
>> an ambiguous name for something that's an action (and a potentially
>> destructive one, at that). This is a case where user feedback (in
>> this case collected by Greg) is showing us there's a real usability
>> problem, we just need to fix it.
> Excluding every destructive consequence mentioned so far, since the empty
> cell issue is long-since addressed in master.
>> Furthermore, making it by default interactive is going to cause all
>> kinds of unexpected problems in automatically managed notebooks and
>> scripts that will now block a process when they try to open a prompt.
> That is true of all notebooks with interactive elements, what makes %%file
> special?
I agree - if a user wants to get rid of the interactive element for
these purposes, they can simply add the --overwrite flag.
>> A rename to a verb term, along with the option of an interactive flag
>> for those who clearly want that mode (and hence aren't worried about
>> auto-execution) addresses cleanly both issues.
> so if it were called `fwrite` or `writefile`, it would be okay to clobber by
> default? Renaming it doesn't make it any less destructive, and the
> destructive behavior is still implicit.
My original intention with %%file is that people would never touch
these files through any other means, so the overwrite wouldn't be a
problem. But upon further thinking, I agree with Min that
overwrite-by-default is just a bad idea.
> I don't think there's any value in a non-default interactive behavior -
> either clobbering by default is fine, or it is unsafe and should be
> confirmed - safety being non-default won't ever be used.
I agree.
> I'm fine renaming to `fwrite` without changing any behavior, if that makes
> more sense than prompting for overwrite, I'm just surprised that it seems
> to.
The name "%%file" is conceptually close to what the magic does = it
writes/saves/creates a *file*. What you call the action
(write/save/create) is ambiguous, the end result (file) is not. I
don't want to pick a name that emphasizes the ambiguous part of the
magic while underplaying the perfectly clear part (file).
The name "%%fwrite" requires users to make the non-obvious conceptual
jump that "f" = "file". That is a step back.
If we do change the name (I am open to it but not thrilled about it) I
would prefer something that makes its purpose more obvious:
I also prefer names that order words in a grammatically sensible
manner (%%writefile rather than %%filewrite)
>> Cheers,
>> f
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Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com
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