[IPython-dev] Citing IPython Notebook

Paul Ivanov pi at berkeley.edu
Fri Nov 8 14:16:17 EST 2013

Hi Pablo, 

Pablo Oliveira, on 2013-11-08 10:51,  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm preparing the final version of a paper that links to an IPython
> Notebook to help
> reproduce its results. I would like to cite IPython.
> The IPython webpage recommends to cite F/PĂ©rez, /BE/Granger, //IPython:
> A System for Interactive Scientific Computing.
> /But this paper predated the Notebook part of IPython. Is there a more
> recent publication, describing how IPython can be used to share
> reproducible results through the Notebook? Is it ok to cite the Sloan
> Grant proposal (F Perez, BE Granger /An Open Source Framework for
> Interactive, Collaborative and Reproducible Scientific Computing and
> Education/)?

"Until we sit down and write an actual paper, it'd be great to
cite both" - Fernando

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Paul Ivanov

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