[IPython-dev] New IPython Contributor, help with development environment?

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 04:47:00 EDT 2013

Hi there, 

Le 16 sept. 2013 à 09:40, AJ Renold a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm a graduate student at UC Berkeley School of Information and have worked with IPython in various classes and promoted it in others. As an enthusiastic user and a student of Peer Production, I'd like to offer my time to contribute to IPython and have a question about setting up a development environment.

Nice to meet you and see that you are motivated.

> Specifically I'd like to work on the open issue here (https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/3653) to extend the Completer class to handle auto-completing in the case of "from module import <tab>".
> Getting started on this issue, I am having trouble setting up my development environment inside of virualenv to work on editing completer.js. I have tried the Development Instructions on Github and on IPython.org, but both methods don't seem to work when I modify the file and then create a new ipython notebook server.

What do you mean by "do not seem to work" ? 
If javascript seem not to change, try to force-refresh. 
Usually if you modify a JS file you do not need to restart the server but just refresh the page.
Using a window with private browsing/incognito mode/... also help in making sure this is not due to browser caching.

import IPython
print IPython.sys_info()

will also help you to diagnoses in which folder IPython is looking for resources.

> Is there a build process or something similar that I am missing? If there is another resource on setting up the correct development environment that I am missing please link me. I would also be happy to add to the development wiki if these instructions are buried somewhere obscure.

You can also try 
$ python setup.py develop

> After getting this set, I plan to follow up that github issue with a Pull Request.

I would also suggest you get a look at IPython Ehencement Proposal 11 About completion.


If at the same time you could try to make the API for the completer configurable, that would be great. 
For example, current code in completer.js does not assume `!` is a char that can be part of a token, whereas it can be in julia.

Don't hesitate to ask question directly on the relevant issue. 
If you really have problems, most of the core dev are near berkley, so meeting in person will be the fasttest if you are really stuck. 

> Thanks!
> AJ

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