[IPython-dev] ipython qtconsole pager problem.

Éric Depagne eric at depagne.org
Thu Sep 19 04:53:13 EDT 2013

Hi all.

I'm bumping into another problem using the qtconsole.
Here's my config: ipython 1.1.0, python 2.7.5

I run the following code with ipython:
%run -p script.py

In a notebook, the profiling is diplayed correctly
In a normal terminal, it is displayed correctly
In a qtconsole, the display goes empty (I do loose the sliders too), and then, nothing 
happens. Using the menu bar, I can open a new tab with the same kernel, indicating 
(I guess) that it's just a display problem of the qtconsole.

Un clavier azerty en vaut deux
Éric Depagne                            eric at depagne.org

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