[IPython-dev] pull requests

Cyrille Rossant cyrille.rossant at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 08:21:00 EDT 2013

2013/9/19 Matthias BUSSONNIER <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com>:
> Le 19 sept. 2013 à 12:14, Cyrille Rossant a écrit :
>>> I'm not sure I see where this state that PR should not be done gains master.
>>> Anyway.
>> Ah, I misunderstood then, PR should be made against master on ipython,
>> but not necessarily on master on one's fork, right?
> Right
>>> Usually you will push a named branched on your repo. and you ask to merge this branch into ipython/master
>>> So github will send a mail
>>> Cyrille want to merge crossant/my-awesome-feature into ipython/master
>> So we should always use a new branch in our fork, and never make edits
>> in master?
> Technically you can. It is just a pragmatic reasons.
>         - Having people writing on their master increase chance of weird history is one submit many PR and then pull an update version.
>         - when you speak of "master" it is not ambiguous.
>         - it's easier for a dev to $ git checkout crossant/vizpy-integration as you know what you are expecting and it's easier to search
>         - some commit are more descriptive "merge branch fperez/fix-bug-6374 into master" is better than "merge branch ellisonbg/master into master"
>         - …
> Also technically you can cross-push branches, ($ git push github local-name:remote-name)
> so it happen to me to work locally on master and to push on gihub with another name,
> but those are details that we shouldn't expose to newcomers.
> This in one of the reason our doc says (or should say at least) that it is preferable to make the changes
> in named branches which names are as explicit as possible to help future workflow. It is not strictly enforced, but it's a good habit.

Great, thanks very much for clarifying.


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