[IPython-dev] Widget idea: Global Parameters

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 15:26:27 EDT 2014

I might misremember and/or misunderstand , but it seem to me that theses propositions have already been 
disscussed on the ML, and that the response was that such a thing is  out of scope for the time being. 

It is relatively easy to build as a standalone project and IIRC some project like runipy already
implement theses functions. (cf copy from read me below) 


Passing Arguments

You can pass arguments to the notebook through environment variables. The use of environment variables is OS- and shell- dependent, but in a typical UNIX-like environment they can be passed on the command line before the program name:

$ myvar=value runipy MyNotebook.ipynb

Then in the notebook, to access myvar:

from os import environ
myvar = environ['myvar']

environ is just a dict, so you can use .get() to fall back on a default value:

from os import environ
myvar = environ.get('myvar', 'default!')

Le 5 avr. 2014 à 20:16, Antonino Ingargiola a écrit :

> I second the idea. I think it is a common pattern (at lest for me) to create a notebook to perform an analysis and then to process a series of datasets for comparison.
> Right now I create several notebook copies manually, but as Jake says, it quickly becomes tricky once you want to tweak the analysis (either you modify N notebooks or re-create the N copies).
> Some sort of parametrization of the notebooks would be useful, and using the widget infrastructure seems a sensible idea.
> Antonio
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Jacob Biesinger <jake.biesinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I don't follow this list very closely but had an idea I thought worth sharing.  I'm not sure if this is the right list to share to but here goes:
> I find myself creating notebooks as reports on different datasets and parameters.  There are a few global variables listed at the top and after the code munging phase is complete, I make duplicates of the notebook, only changing the global variables and rerunning all the cells.  This quickly becomes unmanageable.  Additional notebooks are hard to maintain and tweak whereas maintaining a single notebook means I have to rerun the report for every tweak. I also can't compare reports without copying notebooks.
> What if we had a way to specify "report parameters", global variables you can modify using a widget interface (dropdown, slider, input box, etc but tied to multiple cells or possibly the whole notebook) and a caching mechanism to store notebook contents for each combination of report parameters? I'm imagining quickly switching the dataset for a series of graphs I'm looking at and having the graphs already cached for the ones I've looked at, or having the report run for any new combinations.
> I suppose I could open multiple tabs on the same report to simulate some of this though it seems the autosaves would conflict.
> Thanks for listening!
> --
> Jake Biesinger
> Graduate Student
> Xie Lab, UC Irvine
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