[IPython-dev] Docker IPython

Kyle Kelley rgbkrk at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 11:53:24 EDT 2014


Responses inline.

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 1:00 AM, Wes Turner <wes.turner at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Tyler Erickson <tylere at google.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Kyle Kelley <rgbkrk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tyler,
>>> Taking in everyones comments and my opinion as a not-quite-sysadmin:
>>> Base image, ipython/notebook, will
>>> * have just the ipython notebook essentials
>>> * up to date (as of image build) version of pip (or conda... plead for
>>> one or the other please!)
>> conda, please :)
> +1. http://conda.pydata.org/docs/build.html
>>> * be installed for all users (all users inside the container)
>>>   * This means that any images inheriting from it can set up their own
>>> user setup, install more packages
>> Sounds fine to me.
>>>  * default cmd that runs the notebook server with some default
>>> parameters
>>>   * This can be overwritten by a Dockerfile that uses FROM
>>> ipython/notebook
>>> My personal take on this is that we could have an ipy user, with
>>> notebooks at /home/ipy/notebooks.
>> Sounds reasonable. I have no strong opinion.
>>>  Derivative image, ipython/scipystack (please suggest other names),
>>> could be
>>> * numpy
>>> * scipy
>>> * matplotlib
>>> * pandas
>>> * scikit-learn
>> I would be happy with that list.
> * [ ] pip (which version?)
> * Supervisord? http://supervisord.org/
> https://github.com/Supervisor/initscripts

Why? The process can be kept up inside the container and managed outside of
the container. Does this grant something else?

> * conda https://pypi.python.org/pypi/conda
> * enpkg https://pypi.python.org/pypi/enstaller

That's just making things more complicated. Would you be able to pip
install or conda install this if you really need it?

> * pyenv https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv

No thank you. Switching kernels will be done inside the notebook itself.

> * tox, {... build packages }

tox is out of scope to me. What is your reasoning and audience?

> * { ad infinitum }
>> Cheers,
>> Tyler
>>> For an IHaskell base image, I'd prefer the namespace to actually be
>>> jupyter/ihaskell in the long run.
>>> There may come a time when we want multiple kernels in one container.
>>> After all, have you seen what you can do with the current master branch?
>>> Including all the kernels (and stacks) will make a hefty docker image
>>> though, so I won't progress down that path just yet.
>>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Tyler Erickson <tylere at google.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Kyle,
>>>> I think having an official base Docker instance will be quite useful,
>>>> especially for running workshops.
>>>> I added comments for my particular use case below.
>>>> On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Kyle Kelley <rgbkrk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Earlier this week we released an experimental base Docker image for
>>>>> the IPython notebook:
>>>>> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/ipython/notebook/
>>>>> As well as a Docker image for the notebook viewer (which will be used
>>>>> in production soon):
>>>>> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/ipython/nbviewer/
>>>>> Yay!
>>>>> Several folks have reached out about these images, and I'd like to get
>>>>> a conversation started amongst those that want to build from a common base.
>>>>> There are, after all, a *lot* of ipython images up on Docker already.
>>>>> Additionally, there is a LONG thread on the software carpentry mailing list
>>>>> There are some open questions from me:
>>>>> * Who should the user be inside the container?
>>>>>   * Should they be able to install more packages?
>>>>  I don't think the user accessing the instance needs to be able to
>>>> install custom packages. (It would be nice this functionality was
>>>> available, but it is not critical for running workshops.)
>>>> However, administrators need to have the ability to create custom
>>>> images based off the docker base image that have additional packages.
>>>>>   * In a chef cookbook and deployment setup, I just made the user
>>>>> named ipynb.
>>>>> * Is it ok to force HTTPS?
>>>>>   * If we do, we're stuck with self signed certs or requiring them to
>>>>> provide them on run
>>>>>   * This isn't really the right way to compose applications with
>>>>> Docker and probably makes things problematic for anyone building on top of
>>>>> ours
>>>>> * Who is our target audience?
>>>>>   * People deploying notebooks across their organization for users?
>>>>>   * Students (and their teachers) wanting access to an easy analytics
>>>>> environment?
>>>> My interest is in providing an environment for external users of our
>>>> analysis API, so it somewhat similar to the latter description. Some are in
>>>> academia, but many are not.
>>>> * What would you see out of a base image? Where would the value be?
>>>>> * Would people like to see a bleeding latest image that you can spin
>>>>> up to see the current state of the IPython notebook by just running `docker
>>>>> run ipython/notebook:bleeding-latest`?
>>>>> * Do people want a base image that has a large portion of the scipy
>>>>> stack?
>>>> Yes, particularly matplotlib and pandas.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>>  Tyler
>>>> I'll stop with these and see where the discussion takes us.
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>>> Kyle Kelley (@rgbkrk <https://twitter.com/rgbkrk>; http://lambdaops.com)
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Kyle Kelley (@rgbkrk <https://twitter.com/rgbkrk>; http://lambdaops.com)
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