[IPython-dev] Using IPython notebooks to teach Python

Clare Sloggett claresloggett at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 07:30:55 EDT 2014

Wakari (wakari.io) is another free service with fairly quick sign-up. I've
used Wakari and SageMathCloud as backup options for when a student had an
issue with the uni infrastructure.

My understanding is that these services manage security is to provide each
user with their own virtualised environment so they can't really do any
harm, and that this can be something lightweight, like docker.

If you're going to use a service outside your institution you might want to
watch out for websocket proxying issues.. I've run into these problems in
some places!

On 23 August 2014 10:24, Ramalingam Saravanan <rsarava at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Sébastien,
> The multi-user IPython server would be the best option for your needs, but
> here are some alternatives:
>     https://github.com/ptone/jiffylab
>     https://cloud.sagemath.com
>     https://github.com/mitotic/graphterm (my own project; somewhat
> experimental)
> Here's a paper from SciPy14 proceedings that discusses these alternatives:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72208800/docs/Saravanan-SciPy14.pdf
> Best,
> Saravanan
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Sébastien Hinderer <
> Sebastien.Hinderer at inria.fr> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > My team currently studies the possibility to use IPython notebooks in a
> > Python Mooc, more precisely for doing exercises. Teachers would prepare
> > the questions in a notebook and students could answer the questions
> > directly in the notebook itself. Actually, we would provide one copy of
> > the original teacher's notebook for each student, so that all of them
> have
> > their own notebook on which they can work independently.
> >
> > What I'm trying to study here is the server's security. How to prevent
> > students from both doing malicious things on the server and accessing /
> > modifying the notebooks of other students.
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