[IPython-dev] Drag image onto notebook

Juergen Hasch python at elbonia.de
Sat Aug 23 14:06:42 EDT 2014

This is not possible due to the HTML sanitizer, as you noticed. Google-caja sanitizes base64 uris.
There is an updated extension on https://github.com/ipython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions using the new 3.x
IPython contents webservice. Dragging an image into a notebook now uploads it to the server.

Am 23.08.2014 19:02, schrieb Doug Blank:
> Devs,
> It used to be the case (early IPython 2, I believe) that the attached code would allow an image to be embedded into a
> notebook by dragging and dropping it onto the notebook.
> However, now there is a message in the browser console:
> HTML Sanitizer img.src removed -> Object
> Is there a way to allow this to work?
> Also, is there another option to allow local images to be embedded in a notebook (and won't vanish if one re-executes a
> cell)?
> Thanks for advice,
> -Doug
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