[IPython-dev] misc debian packaging recomm.
Brian M Hamlin
maplabs at light42.com
Tue Dec 2 20:19:09 EST 2014
Hi All -
we are ramping up our excellent Ubuntu-based Linux "distro" and reading the build log, I see this package list for the IPython install.
Any comments ? thanks in advance
LUbuntu 14.04 base build
The following extra packages will be installed:
fonts-lyx libamd2.3.1 libarmadillo4 libarpack2 libblas3 libcamd2.3.1 libccolamd2.8.0 libcholmod2.1.2 libcolamd2.8.0 libdap11 libdapclient3 libepsilon1 libfreexl1 libgdal1h libgeos-3.4.2 libgeos-c1 libgfortran3 libhdf4-0-alt libhdf5-7 libkml0 liblapack3 libnetcdfc7 libodbc1 libogdi3.2 libpq5 libproj0 libspatialite5 libtcl8.6 libtk8.6 libumfpack5.6.2 liburiparser1 libxerces-c3.1 odbcinst odbcinst1debian2 proj-data python-affine python-dateutil python-decorator python-gdal python-matplotlib-data python-numpy python-pandas-lib python-pyparsing python-scientific python-tz
Suggested packages:
libhdf4-doc libhdf4-alt-dev hdf4-tools libnetcdf4 libmyodbc odbc-postgresql tdsodbc unixodbc-bin ogdi-bin tcl8.6 tk8.6 dvipng inkscape ipython python-configobj python-excelerator python-matplotlib-doc python-nose python-qt4 python-sip python-tornado python-traits python-wxgtk2.8 texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra ttf-staypuft gfortran python-numpy-dbg python-numpy-doc python-pandas-doc python-scientific-doc
Recommended packages:
proj-bin python-imaging python-tk python-tables python-numexpr python-xlrd python-statsmodels python-openpyxl python-xlwt python-bs4 python-html5lib pyro
The following NEW packages will be installed:
fonts-lyx libamd2.3.1 libarmadillo4 libarpack2 libblas3 libcamd2.3.1 libccolamd2.8.0 libcholmod2.1.2 libcolamd2.8.0 libdap11 libdapclient3 libepsilon1 libfreexl1 libgdal1h libgeos-3.4.2 libgeos-c1 libgfortran3 libhdf4-0-alt libhdf5-7 libkml0 liblapack3 libnetcdfc7 libodbc1 libogdi3.2 libpq5 libproj0 libspatialite5 libtcl8.6 libtk8.6 libumfpack5.6.2 liburiparser1 libxerces-c3.1 odbcinst odbcinst1debian2 proj-data python-affine python-dateutil python-decorator python-fiona python-gdal python-matplotlib python-matplotlib-data python-netcdf python-numpy python-pandas python-pandas-lib python-pyparsing python-rasterio python-scientific python-scipy python-tz
0 upgraded, 51 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.<br><br>
ps- I have a tool that reads all of this into a queryable database too, for all 50+ projects.. more info on request
pps- I have taken the stance that pip install is "ok" or better, while others are not convinced..
Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
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