[IPython-dev] Interactive matplotlib figures in the IPython notebook

Vasco vasco+python at tenner.nl
Wed Dec 3 09:38:52 EST 2014

Dear Phil,

On 24-04-14 15:57, Phil Elson wrote:
> Cross posted to IPython-dev and mpl-dev.
> Over the Easter holidays I had a chance to take a look at implementing a
> new matplotlib backend which would allow interactive figures inline in
> the IPython notebook. It's something that has been on the radar for a
> couple of years now, with work needed from both projects to make the
> functionality possible, so I'm pleased to have been able to submit a PR
> (https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/3008) to matplotlib which
> finally adds the nbagg backend - the final piece of the jigsaw.

I just discovered that this nbagg backend is working! What a very nice 
tool! This was exactely what I was missing.

I didn't see comming along on the mailinglist that this was fixed. Thus 
by this, to draw everyones attention: try the nbagg plotting backend, 
simply by executing:
%matplotlib nbagg


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