[IPython-dev] Deploying and using iPython Notebooks easily on the cloud

Samuel Cozannet samuel.cozannet at canonical.com
Thu Dec 4 06:09:42 EST 2014

Hi All,

Following the example of tmpnb that deploys notebooks in containers, I
wrote a charm for Juju
to easily consume iPython Notebooks on any cloud and/or locally (LXC on
Linux, Vagrant/Virtualbox for Mac)

You can now spin a private iPython Notebook VM on any public cloud or in a
container on your local machine using Juju. Install the client by following
https://jujucharms.com/docs/ (there are clients for MacOS, Ubuntu and
Windows), configure your Cloud API keys, and just do

*juju deploy cs:~samuel-cozannet/trusty/ipython-notebook*
*juju expose ipython-notebook*

Give it some time to deploy, then run

*juju status*

to find out the public IP address, and connect on https. The VM (hence the
notebook) will then be available for as long as you want. If you run it on
AWS you can use a free instance and run your notebook for free and for

If you want to get your notebooks files on your laptop from the command
line, you can do

*juju scp ipython-notebook/0:/home/ubuntu/*.pynb ./ *

which btw means you can implement a rsync strategy between the VM and your
laptop to keep in sync.

Feel free to contact me for further instructions or if you need assistance
to deploy. Any input for new features or feedback if I forgot libs or other
items more than welcome.
Please use either of

* https://github.com/SaMnCo/charm-ipython-notebook

to report those.

BTW, have a look at the other solutions we can deploy on
https://demo.jujucharms.com. I am interested in feedback, ideas for new
solutions... And obviously if you want to join the community, don't
hesitate to come back to me for training and more info.


Samuel Cozannet
Cloud, Big Data and IoT Strategy Team
Strategic Program Manager
Changing the Future of Cloud
Ubuntu <http://ubuntu.com> / Canonical <http://canonical.com> UK LTD
samuel.cozannet at canonical.com
+33 616 702 389
Skype: samnco
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