[IPython-dev] status of ipnbdoctest.py

Zoltán Vörös zvoros at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 05:02:53 EST 2014

On 12/19/2014 10:21 AM, Nathan Goldbaum wrote:
> You can use runipy to script notebook evaluation:
> https://github.com/paulgb/runipy
> I don't think you can verify that the output isn't changing, but you 
> can at least check that cells aren't raising exceptions and view a 
> converted version of the evaluated notebook.  I think adding 
> functionality to verify that cell output isn't changing would be a 
> neat addition to runipy.
But there are cases, when the output changes, even if you run the same 
piece of code. Two examples that come to my mind are cells that involve 
the time/date in some way, and cells that operate on random numbers. It 
might also happen that some underlying data file that is plotted is 
modified between two executions. It might be really tricky to check for 
these cases.


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