[IPython-dev] Developing a MOOC with IPython notebooks
Andrew Odewahn
odewahn at oreilly.com
Mon Dec 22 12:53:20 EST 2014
Hi, Anton. I've been working on something along a similar line: running a
Notebook kernel in a Docker container via tmpnb and then connecting to it
via a widget. This presentation has some of the details:
Like Cyrille Rossant's work, it's still very experimental, but I've been
pleased with the results so far. The biggest issues have been around
getting it running for version 2 of the Notebook (currently it only works
for version 1) and getting the CORS headers set up for tmpnb.
ps -- here are a few examples of the output. (It only works in Chrome
right now due to the CORS issues):
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Cyrille Rossant <cyrille.rossant at gmail.com
> wrote:
> Hi Anton,
> > * What are the best practices for keeping notebooks in git? We've
> > found nbdiff, but it seems limited: for example it doesn't do anything
> > to diff markdown cells. Is there a better way?
> I am currently working on a solution that basically replaces JSON
> .ipynb by regular Markdown .md. You loose all metadata and outputs,
> but you keep Markdown cells and the input of code cells. It is still
> highly experimental and unstable, you'll find the code here:
> https://github.com/rossant/ipymd/tree/support-atlas -- let me know if
> you're interested in trying it out or contributing.
> > * What are the current options for creating rich graphic content that
> > doesn't rely on having a live kernel? I know of mpld3, ipywidgets, and
> > bokeh. For us ipywidgets seem like the best solution so far, but it's
> > a pet project of Jake Vanderplas that didn't see any action in around
> > half a year. So I wonder if there is anything more alive in that
> > respect, that'd be great. Perhaps in v3?
> I'm also very interested in this use case, but as far as I know
> there's nothing ready yet... We plan to support this in VisPy, but we
> haven't started to work on it yet.
> I suppose you could work something out based on tmpnb.org -- you get a
> temporary live kernel in the cloud launched just for you.
> Cyrille
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