[IPython-dev] IPython Notebook Diagrams

Andrew Gibiansky andrew.gibiansky at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 18:37:24 EST 2014


I am tired of needing to create diagrams externally and then either use Markdown links (which require the image to be exported and saved somewhere) or copy/pasting the base64 encoding of the image into the Markdown cell (which occasionally crashes my browser for big images). I would like to be able to create diagrams immediately within the Markdown cells.

What's the best way to do this? I wanted to go with RaphaelJS and put <script> tags within Markdown cells, but it seems that that is broken on master due to bad parsing of quotes (though I've heard discussion that it'll be completely removed in 1.0, which leaves me confused, since it's clearly not completely removed...)

How would you suggest going about this goal?


Andrew Gibiansky

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