[IPython-dev] Preferred way to customize CSS for something that will be displayed on nbviewer?

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 05:54:39 EST 2014

There should be a discussion on IPython user about that from a few weeks ago. 

We are thinking on metadata in notebook level that nbviewer could look at that allow to select a theme on nbviewer.

IPEP and code to do so have to be written.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 20 févr. 2014 à 04:58, Aron Ahmadia <aron at ahmadia.net> a écrit :
> Let's say I've developed a snazzy CSS file and I want it so that an uploaded notebook being viewed on nbviewer uses my custom CSS.
> I've seen this bit of code in the wild[1]:
> from IPython.core.display import HTML
> def css_styling():
>     styles = open("../styles/custom.css", "r").read()
>     return HTML(styles)
> css_styling()
> But this seems a bit awkward, since I'm effectively just piping the CSS file into the notebook's rendered HTML.  Does nbviewer know to look anywhere for CSS, or is this the best we have right now?
> -A
> [1] http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/barbagroup/AeroPython/blob/master/lessons/00_Lesson00_QuickPythonIntro.ipynb
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