[IPython-dev] [Anaconda Support] Re: What's the easiest way to open an IPython Notebook server in a particular directory on Windows?
Aron Ahmadia
aron at ahmadia.net
Mon Feb 24 15:51:25 EST 2014
Awesome! Both of those are comprehensive solutions to the "not able to
launch IPython in the right folder" problems. I think the first solution
is actually a good candidate for inclusion in the Software Carpentry
"Configuration Problems and Solutions" wiki page being maintained by Justin
Kitzes over here:
Feel free to add your solution, and perhaps a link back to this discussion
for how to set up registry keys. I'd even propose that the Anaconda
developers add a context menu option for launching IPython Notebooks in
Windows based on your advice.
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Matt Merrifield <
rmatthewmerrifield at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had this exact problem. I found two solutions that I liked:
> Batch Files
> -----------
> Use batch file scripts! A batch file is, after all, just a terminal
> command that you run by double clicking it. My co-workers liked this
> method a lot better than opening a new command prompt, navigating to where
> they wanted to work, and then running the ipython notebook command.
> To make a batch file script that opens an ipython notebook in whatever
> directory it's run from:
> 1. Create a simple .txt file: Right Click -> New -> Text Document
> 2. Re-name it "Start IPython Notebook Here.bat" (don't forget to change
> the extension!)
> 3. Open it with notepad: Right Click on it -> Edit
> 4. Add the text "ipython notebook" to the file -- it should look just like
> you would type it in a command prompt.
> 5. Save & close.
> Now when you double click on the .bat file, a notebook server will spawn
> in that directory. You can move the .bat file to wherever you want your
> IPython notebook's working directory to be. You can make copies of the .bat
> file, and stash one in all the directories you frequently use. You can give
> a copy of the file to people that you're training, and they can just
> double-click and go. No need to teach them the command prompt.
> Registry Keys
> -------------
> I work with the IPython notebooks daily in different directories all over
> my filesystem, so I got tired of copying the .bat script to every directory
> I worked in. I added an option to start a notebook in a directory to my
> right-click context menu by adding a few registry keys.
> This option is good for anyone who uses IPython frequently, doesn't mind
> an extra option in their right-click menu, and is comfortable editing their
> windows registry.
> You should be able to create a text document, copy in the text above,
> change the extension to .reg, and then run it(just once) to add the context
> menu entry. Put the following 5 lines in the file:
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\ipynb]
> @="Open IPython Notebook"
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\ipynb\command]
> @="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe ipython
> notebook"
> Once the registry key has been added, whenever you right-click in a folder
> (or on your desktop) you'll have the option to "Open IPython Notebook".
> Selecting that option will spawn a powershell instance, and call "ipython
> notebook" as if you'd typed it on the command line -- just like the batch
> file method, but without the extra file in the directory.
> Note: if you ever want to remove the registry keys, you'll have to open up
> regedit.exe and delete them manually. Some users might become frustrated
> with the extra option if they rarely use the notebook, and they might have
> trouble getting rid of it, so I wouldn't offer this option unless you know
> they will use it all the time.
> Another Note: Neither of these methods starts the notebook with the
> "--pylab inline" flag. You can get similar functionality with the "%pylab"
> or "%matplotlib inline" magics.
> Let me know if you have any questions. I'll do what I can to answer.
> -Matt
> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Jason Moore <moorepants at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, I already have asked the Anaconda mailing list too. Just haven't
>> gotten a response yet.
>> Maybe I should just include the Windows shortcut in the directory full of
>> notebooks. That would work.
>> Jason
>> moorepants.info
>> +01 530-601-9791
>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Aron Ahmadia <aron at ahmadia.net> wrote:
>>> It might be better to direct this question to the Anaconda mailing list
>>> (cc'd).
>>> You could distribute a shortcut for them that does the right thing when
>>> you're packaging your repository. If you come up with something better or
>>> that works for you, please add it to the Software Carpentry "configuration
>>> problems" Wiki
>>> https://github.com/swcarpentry/bc/wiki/Configuration-Problems-and-Solutions
>>> Right now Software Carpentry instructors usually get around this by
>>> teaching the command line *before* Git :)
>>> A
>>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Jason Moore <moorepants at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> The IPython Notebook shortcut installed by Anaconda defaults to
>>>> opening in the "IPython Notebooks" directory. Is there an easier (point and
>>>> click?) method to opening the server in another directory besides (1) open
>>>> a CMD prompt and cd'ing to the directory or (2) changing the "start in"
>>>> properties of the shortcut?
>>>> I'm giving a tutorial to command line novices and was hoping for
>>>> something very simple for them to open up the notebook server in the
>>>> correct directory.
>>>> Jason
>>>> moorepants.info
>>>> +01 530-601-9791
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