[IPython-dev] odd warning in notebook

Zoltán Vörös zvoros at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 12:49:14 EST 2014

On 09/01/14 18:45, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> On 9 January 2014 09:39, Zoltán Vörös <zvoros at gmail.com 
> <mailto:zvoros at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     You are right: I started with a profile that loads sympy and
>     defines a couple of variables. If I remove that from the profile,
>     everything works fine. But again, I didn't have this problem a day
>     ago, and I haven't updated sympy on my system, only ipython, so
>     something must have changed in ipython proper. Why would sympy be
>     involved at all in a simple string operation?
> IPython has started issuing warnings when formatters throw an error, 
> whereas previously they failed silently.
> My understanding is that Sympy's formatter fires on lists, so that it 
> will display a list of Sympy expressions nicely. But that means it 
> will try to process any list that's displayed.
OK, that makes sense now. Thanks!

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