[IPython-dev] feature request: %load to load markup rather than code

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 13:10:25 EST 2014

Le 10 janv. 2014 à 18:28, Mark Bakker a écrit :

> You are right, Matthias. And that will work.
> It is just a bit ugly that the students should then change the type of the cell.
> Wouldn't it be nice if they just shift-enter on the load command and then there exercise appears?

Yes, but one of the issues is that `%load` is on kernel side, it just "send text" to the frontend, 
the kernel does not know that the frontend support editing markdown.

What about display(HTML('url of exercise')) ?

> Or don't you think that is worth the effort?

You can also have a "templated" notebook that served
a different notebook for each student maybe. 


> It sounded like Fernando was game.
> Mark

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