[IPython-dev] displaying JavaScript-based maps in Notebook: tips?
Zoltán Vörös
zvoros at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 12:42:48 EST 2014
I think you might find Jake Vanderplas' matplotlib port to the notebook
quite useful:
On 27/01/14 18:35, Raymond Yee wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> For the Working with Open Data course I'm currently teaching
> (http://is.gd/wwod14), I would like to work out with my students a way
> to generate light-weight maps to be displayed inside of the IPython
> notebook. Specifically, I would like to generate data to feed to various
> JavaScript libraries including:
> * Google geo charts:
> https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geochart
> * d3.js (for many uses, for most immediately for a US county choropleth:
> http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4060606
> * vega via vincent -- e.g.,
> https://vincent.readthedocs.org/en/latest/quickstart.html#map-data-binding
> * richer JavaScript maps with underlying layers, such as provided by
> leaflet.js (e.g., http://leafletjs.com/examples/choropleth.html)
> I've been superficially aware of the rich data display capabilities of
> the Notebook. And it's great to have some good working details on how to
> exploit such capabilities in the IPython in Depth tutorial
> (http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2013/tutorial_detail.php?id=104):
> * IPython's Rich Display System:
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython-in-depth/blob/master/notebooks/03%20-%20Rich%20Display%20System.ipynb
> * Defining Custom Display Logic for Your Own Objects:
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython-in-depth/blob/master/notebooks/04%20-%20Custom%20Display%20Logic.ipynb
> The path I've started down the last few days is to:
> * Get examples of the various JavaScript libraries working in a
> stand-alone HTML page
> * Get the example to work in an IPython notebook
> * Generalize the examples into Python classes to use the display system
> I've encountered a mix of success and confusion. But I know enough to
> ask a few questions:
> * Any pitfalls you've seen around IPython's use of require.js that I
> should be mindful of?
> I *think* that I've been running into bad interactions with require.js
> that I don't yet understand. In one simple case of trying to use d3.js,
> I found that I couldn't instantiate the d3 JavaScript object. The
> symptoms I saw are reminiscent of ones reported in stackoverflow -- and
> to which Matthias had responded to:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19487121/how-can-i-load-raphael-within-ipython-notebook-avoiding-some-issues-that-arise
> This morning I have a notebook (running IPython 1.1 + vincent 0.4.2)
> that runs a vincent example well the first time -- but when I reset the
> kernel and run it the second time (without closing the tab), I encounter
> the following error:
> Javascript error adding output! Error {requireType: "mismatch",
> requireModules: undefined, stack: (...), message: "Mismatched anonymous
> define() module: [object
> Object]↵http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#mismatch"}
> [I can write this observation up more rigorously if necessary.]
> * Given that there's a lot of changes happening on the JavaScript
> integration front, is it still worthwhile following the approaches laid
> out in the IPython in Depth tutorials around working with the display
> system and JavaScript? Or should I be patient? (I know I could, for
> example, focus on generating HTML output to be written out and loaded
> outside of the notebook to avoid direct integration while things shake
> out....
> BTW, in looking up Fernando & Brian's SciPy2013 IPython tutorial, I
> found Using geospatial data with python
> (http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2013/tutorial_detail.php?id=110),
> which I should look at soon!
> Thanks!
> -Raymond
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