[IPython-dev] Implementing inline images in a kernel
Doug Blank
doug.blank at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 21:02:11 EST 2014
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> On 28 January 2014 16:58, Doug Blank <doug.blank at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In implementing a new kernel, I can appropriately turn returned values
>> into their rich representation messages. But I'm wrestling with the idea
>> that the kernel could somehow, in the middle of computing, send such rich
>> representations to be displayed.
>> I've seen bits of code that appear to examine strings to see if they
>> begin with certain signatures that could detect PNG or JPEG encodings. Is
>> that how it would work... you just send a 64-bit encoded string to the
>> front end, and it automatically detects it as a rich representation? Or is
>> there a general standard for marking strings automatically as rich
>> representations? Or must the kernel construct a message to get any rich
>> reps? I could make the kernel monitor for special strings (sent from lower
>> levels), intercept them, and then send the special rich message.
>> If this question is confusing, perhaps it is because my kernel interfaces
>> with many subsystems that can generate strings to the output, but hooking
>> up the lower-level to the rich message system would be hard. I suspect that
>> this is similar to making an external language, like R, generate images
>> inline. How does it do it?
> The code in question does have to know something about the message spec;
> we don't try to detect things like images from a simple stream. The code
> needs to builds a dictionary keyed by the mimetypes of the outputs it
> offers, and send that to the frontend in a display_data message:
> http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#display-data
> So a simple function to display a PNG might look like this:
> def display(pngdata):
> shell_channel.send_msg(type='display_data',
> content={'source': 'my display func', #Not sure what this is used for
> 'data': {'image/png': base64encode(pngdata)},
> 'metadata': {'image/png': {'width':640, 'height':480}},
> },
> parent=last_execute_request
> )
> (this is abstract, not written against any real kernel APIs)
Thanks, yes, I have pretty much that in the high-level kernel. I ask the
lower parts to eval the notebook cell code, and I can convert that as you
> For Python, we've extended Python's concept of a __repr__ magic method to
> support other formats, e.g. _repr_html_. Then we have a convenient
> function, IPython.display.display(), which builds the dictionary of output
> formats and takes care of sending it.
Right, I could do that, but would require doing it for each language at the
lower level. Looking for a solution at the higher level where everything
must go through on the way to the frontend.
> The R magic is a bit of a special case: it gets R to save the images it
> generates to files in a temporary directory, and after the R code has
> finished, it reads all the files from that directory back and sends
> display_data messages for them. That's only practical because of the way
> R's plotting backends work, and it still leads to problems on Windows.
Interesting, but I think I can do better than that with this kernel.
> Your kernel could intercept strings written to stdout, spot certain
> patterns, and turn them into display messages, but it has the feel of a bad
> idea - what if you actually want to print the first hundred bytes of a PNG,
> for instance.
Perhaps I can make it smell better :) Yes, this method would be embedding
rich text in a string, but in such a manner that wouldn't be confused with
real strings.
But maybe you are correct... maybe I can make available to the low level a
display() function... I'll try that first.
> I hope that helps,
> Thomas
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